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CASA provides services to children, youth, and non-offending caregivers who are victimized as a result of substance abuse. Services are offered to any child up to the age of 18 and any non-offending caregiver that reside in Cayuga County.

Case Management

The CASA program offers comprehensive, individualized supportive case management services to help clients and their families return to stability and work towards healing following their victimization.  This includes information and referrals on the criminal justice process, victim rights, substance abuse treatment, victim services programs, and other supports and resources.  Support is also available to victims and their families in the form of emergency assistance, legal/court accompaniment, housing and employment assistance, and advocacy


The CASA program provides evidence-based, trauma-informed individualized therapy to children who have been victimized due to their caregiver’s substance abuse and well as their non-offending caregivers. Treatment interventions utilized, but are not limited to, are Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT).



The CASA program also provide short term psychoeducation to the client and/or family would like some more information regarding the impact addiction has on a family.  Caregivers can meet with a therapist and discuss healthy and appropriate way to speak to children about addiction.  Additionally, children learn what addiction is, are provided with information on how they are not alone, healthy decision making model, appropriate ways to address anger, and how to take care of yourself.


We offer a support group for children ages 7-12 years old who have been victimized by their caregiver’s substance abuse.  The CASA group utilized the Children’s Program Kit: Supportive Education for Children with Addicted Parents.  The group runs for 12 weeks and covers six different topics; addiction, feelings, problem solving, treatment & recovery, safe people, and coping skills.  This group is appropriate for anyone who has experienced substance abuse in their family or community.  Children will hear the message; they are not alone.  Children can learn skills that they need to be safe and resilient.  Children can be helped to build upon their strengths.

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